나에 대해서:
I have a major satin clothes fetish. Seeing women(or transgenders) wear satin really gets me going. I almost exclusively masturbate with satin clothing. I go through a new articular of satin every month. Right now I'm using a black satin robe I stole from my sister, although I do like going to second hand stores and buy it too. I like imagining the sexy female body it use to surround. Anyone else share my love of the way satin shines and glides, the sound it makes as it rubs together, feeling as it so gently slides over your body?
나에 대해서:
I have a major satin clothes fetish. Seeing women(or transgenders) wear satin really gets me going. I almost exclusively masturbate with satin clothing. I go through a new articular of satin every month. Right now I'm using a black satin robe I stole from my sister, although I do like going to second hand stores and buy it too. I like imagining the sexy female body it use to surround. Anyone else share my love of the way satin shines and glides, the sound it makes as it rubs together, feeling as it so gently slides over your body?
나에 대해서
I have a major satin clothes fetish. Seeing women(or transgenders)
wear satin really gets me going. I almost exclusively masturbate
with satin clothing. I go through a new articular of satin
every month. Right now I'm using a black satin robe
I stole from my sister, although I do like going to
second hand stores and buy it too. I like imagining the sexy
female body it use to surround. Anyone else share my love
of the way satin shines and glides, the sound it makes as
it rubs together, feeling as it so gently slides over your
wear satin really gets me going. I almost exclusively masturbate
with satin clothing. I go through a new articular of satin
every month. Right now I'm using a black satin robe
I stole from my sister, although I do like going to
second hand stores and buy it too. I like imagining the sexy
female body it use to surround. Anyone else share my love
of the way satin shines and glides, the sound it makes as
it rubs together, feeling as it so gently slides over your
Satinbeard 개인 정보
- 그래요:42 세, 남성, 잘 모르겠음
- 출신::Lafayette, 인디애나, 미국
- 찾는 대상:트랜스젠더와 여성 커플, 이성애자
- 관심사
및 페티시: - 언어:영어
- 교육:고등학교 졸업
- 직업:Sales Associate
- 수입:평균
- 관계:와(과) 결혼함
- 아이:없음, 원하지도 않음
- 종교:불가지론자
- 흡연:정기적인 수입
- 음주:가끔씩
- 별자리:처녀자리
내가 어떻게 생겼는지
- 인종:백인
- 신체 유형:평균
- 머리 길이:짧음
- 머리 색상:갈색 머리
- 눈색깔:초록색
- 키:6 ft 72 in (183 cm)